Missing Mexico

March 23, 2012

Even though the weather has been pretty awesome around these parts (way above normal), I am totally missing the mexico sun and beach. I definitely need to find a job that I can do remotely from the beach.

Here is a little sneak peek from our last trip there. I am still working on editing all the pictures (just need to find an extra 4 hours in each day!).

New Look

March 20, 2012

I am sure you have noticed the new look around here. I got a new blog design from Blog Milk and I LOVE it! Leave a comment and let me know what you think!

It is clean and simple but stylish. More than I could ask for.

The lovely Lena over at Blog Milk was wonderful to work with and helped me with customization. Thanks Lena!!

If you are looking to update your blog design head on over HERE and check out their awesome designs!


Leaving on a Jet Plane

March 12, 2012

I am off to visit a dear friend and snuggle her new little boy.


I will be back to regular postings next week, but until then here is another song I am lovin' right now. Enjoy!

On Repeat

March 11, 2012

Since it is already Sunday and I am off to see my momma I will leave you with this little ditty. Its been on repeat all week.


KONY 2012

March 07, 2012

I am completely speechless.

Most of you have probably seen or heard about this video by now. It has gone completely viral on facebook, twitter and youtube.

I just spent the last 30 minutes watching it with tears streaming down my face. WOW! What an eye opener. I really don't even know how to write exactly what I am feeling. My heart hurts, I am angry that this is happening in our world, I feel helpless, I want to scream, I feel ashamed that I am only just now learning about this.

We need to come together an fight for these children. To give them a voice. I am just one person, but I am hoping by sharing this video, I am able to spread the word.

Please take some time out of your day to watch this video and share it.

Together we can make a difference!

Project Life

March 04, 2012

This project is a way for me to get myself to pick up my camera more. To shoot the random things in my every day life. My goal is to take 5 pictures a week.

I am trying to be less concerned with capturing the "perfect" picture and more with capturing memories.

1. An outtake from this weeks Self Portrait Saturday project. (Jeans: Bluenotes Shirt: American Eagle)

2. Oscar sitting in the window catching some rays. He has more personality and spunk than he knows what to do with.

3. Breakfast Cookie. All I can say about it is AMAZING. Found the recipe on Gina's blog.

4. I don't know if it is because I am getting older (closing in on the big 3-0!) or just being crazy busy, but my memory just isn't what it used to be. This life planner is my saving grace. Buy one HERE.

5. This is Cyrus, but we call him Beast most of the time. He is a 130lb mastiff who sheds all over my house and torments the cat, but is so cute you can't help but love him.

Self Portrait Saturday

March 03, 2012

Time for another round of self portrait Saturday. This week I wanted to take advantage of the awesome sunlight pouring in the upstairs window.

I wanted to keep these pictures simply and clean.

Check out Dana's blog to find out more about the project and to see other self portraits.

March Goals

March 01, 2012

Its March, how the hell did that happen? I am not ready for a new month, not yet.

I have an exam to write in 9 days and I am nervous. I just can’t seem to get focused and study.

My poor camera has been neglected for far too long. I get all kinds of great ideas and inspiration but never follow through with them. I read tons of blogs and see their daily lives documented through photos and I want that. I want those memories of simple every day things. Then I think, is my life interesting enough for that? Can I forget about perfect lighting and composition and just take pictures?

Health and body image. This is the area of my life that I feel the most “unbalanced”. Like many woman out there I have always struggled with my body image and self esteem. I have been WAY too hard on myself and spent WAY too many hours obsessing over it. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I have long given up on an “ideal size” or an “ideal weight” and instead focused on being HEALTHY & STRONG. Loving who I am. This is not easy but it is ESSENTIAL. This website is a gold mine for motivation. No more excuses!

It is very easy to point out all the things that need changing, but not so easy to change them. Here are my MARCH goals:

1. Spend minimum 1 hour a day studying.
2. Take 5 pictures a week that document pieces of my life.
3. Commit to working out 6 days a week.
4. Do not get on the scale for the entire month.
5. Limit the amount of junk that goes in my gob.
6. Finish reading “The White Tiger”

Ok March, let’s do this!

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